In Case You Missed It

media podcast Apr 10, 2024

Do you, like me, listen to your favorite podcasts on your morning commute or at the gym? Maybe while completing a chore or two over the weekend?

I ask because I’ve had the pleasure of being a guest on many incredible podcasts over the last several months and I wanted to share a few of them with you to add to your list. 

From anxiety and burnout to best practices in workplace wellness to managing time as an entrepreneur, there’s something for everyone in these shows.

Critical Mass Business Talk Show

Ric Franzi’s podcast is the longest running business podcast in Orange County. Ric interviews founders of firms with revenue up to $100 million to discuss real-world problems and solutions facing entrepreneurs.

Sow to Speak

Krista Mandour is a communications coach dedicated to rehumanizing the workforce by bringing actionable mental wellness to high-achieving, heart centered leaders.

Burnout Banter

Jeff Visnic and Rachelle Ray showcase and share the stories and insights of marketing professionals and teams in the construction industry in order to shed light on issues such as miscommunication and burnout. 

Burnout Isn't Necessary 

Hannah Holden and her guests share real-life experiences with burnout, getting into the science of stress and discussing actionable tips to prevent burnout and how to recover from it.

Wake Up and Lead

Hampton Dortch is an ambitious young professional with a podcast that explores how fellow young professionals can lead themselves in the right direction.


If you enjoy these podcasts or my recent free Masterclass and want to take the next step in transforming your relationship with time through coaching and accountability, the Time Boss 6 Week Coaching Cohort provides personalized support. Cohort members are solving their relationship with time in just 6 weeks. If curious, please schedule a 15 minute call with Andrew to see if it's a good fit for you. 

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