This Simple Hack Rewires Your Brain to Make Time Management Easy (Video)
Apr 30, 2024
It’s 6:37pm and you’re still working.
Your spouse texts wondering when you’ll be done.
You look at your list and, though you accomplished 5 important things for your goals, you still have three tasks left. You know your spouse will be frustrated if you don’t stop, but you feel overwhelmed by those three tasks.
You tear yourself away from work, and head home for dinner. All evening you’re technically home, but your overwhelm keeps your brain stuck on the three items you didn’t solve.
Once your spouse is in bed, you fire back up the laptop and try to get one more done, hoping to fight back that feeling of overwhelm.
You skip your workout the next morning because you start work early, hoping to get ahead of your feeling of overwhelm. You check your phone first thing and see your to-do list for the day already seems impossible.
Head in your hands, you say to yourself “There’s not enough time…”, then you get to work, because you already feel overwhelmed.
Sound familiar? Yeah, for me too. I said “you” above, but replace that with “Andrew” in all instances. This was my functional experience for nearly a decade. And it cost my dearly:
- Diminished impact even when I was working due to stress
- Lost my sense of smell for a season
- Inconsistent workouts and poor eating habits
- Strained relationship with kids and my wife
I’m living proof that it can be different, but it takes doing the work to change your habits related to time (start here - it's free), then rewiring your brain to make time management easy.
In this video, I show you the simple hack to do just that.
Spoiler: it’s simple, but it’s not easy.
This Only Works With a High Quality Time Habits
You can only choose more helpful thoughts related to time IF those thoughts are actually true.
And you only provide evidence to yourself that those thoughts are true if you have high quality time habits.
If you're not sure where to start here, watch The Time Boss Weekly Operating System. It's a 90 minute FREE crash course on the Time Boss Habits, used by over a hundred people to make massive progress on their priorities while experiencing less stress and anxiety. If you're a self-implementor, this is perfect for you.
If you're ready to make significant changes and solve this once and for all, jump in the next Time Boss 6 Week Coaching Cohort. You'll join 4 to 6 leaders just like you, leveraging the Time Boss habits and daily accountability to help you overcome friction and fundamentally change your experience of work.
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